THE ROAD TO THE TOUGH GUY | ||||||||||||||||||||
Your Tour Guide | "Tough Guy" Shahrul Bonetti | |||||||||||||||||||
Hi, I am a personal friend of the Tough Guy. I was given the honour of guiding you on his homepage. So, hold that mouse and scroll cos' it's one tough ride. So, the highlight of this tour will be the Tough Guy's picture. Now, I went through a lot to get it, so enjoy. Ready? We'll begin our journey...... May the force be with you.......... |
I shall start by briefly desrcibing him. Hmm, this tough guy was born in his beloved homeland Singapore. October 25 1976 to be exact. As a kid he's very playful but quiet. He was quite diligent in his studies. Hey, he's a graduate, you know. He loves soccer and tennis. But why "Tough Guy"? Well, he was born a tough guy. Plus, military made him even tougher. I'd say he's a natural born tough guy. Very stubborn and I don't ever remember him saying the word 'QUIT'. Giving up wasn't in his vocabularly and he means what he says. Never and ,I repeat, never start anything bad with him. He'll snap and you won't like him when he snapped.He's never lost a war of words and he wants it that way. "The day I lose is the day I die". A bold statement perhaps, but if you know him, he is what he says. A strong character is just one of his attributes....We shall proceed. | |||||||||||||||||||
The Tough Guy likes and hates........... | ||||||||||||||||||||
So, understand him so far?Good. Let me tell you who and what he hates and likes. Which do you want to know first? His likes or dislikes? Well, guess what. You don't have a choice. I'll tell you both at the same time, haha. If you know him, the thing he hates most is noise. He hates whatever noise that exist in the world. He'll be easily put off by naggers. Oh yes, he hates people telling him what to do. He'll do a job alright, a good one that is, but don't tell him how to do it. As, much as he hates to lose, which he never did, he never shines away losers. He gives losers the will to fight back and be a winner. He did that to one of his military buddy and that guy has never looked back since. You see, the point is, people often get a pre-conception that he's bad and mean etc.Actually, he's the best Tough Guy a tough guy would ever be. He never looks down on people but never underestimate his opponents either. I'd say he's very shrewd on tactics. A good organizer with a well-trained mind. He likes to watch wrestling and movies to chill out. Sometimes I'd hear him strum his guitar and oh yeah he's good at it. A soccer fanatic. I'd say his favourite teams are Everton FC and Inter Milan although he keeps stressing that his favourite player is....himself. His favourite hangout would be at his country club. Every Sunday, you'll see him running around at the tennis court, sparring with his friends. only a handful succeeded in becoming his friends. Trust is what he looks for in someone. Loyalty is what they get from him. And he gives the best advices if you need it. Just ask him. He'd be happy to help. Musically, he hates techno. So, basically that is all about the Tough Guy. Below is his picture and through much persuasion, I got it at last. The "Buffy" Logo is there cos' the Tough Guy loves the Tough Gal. The one on the right is reserved for the woman behind the Tough Guy. I'm still trying to coax him to give it to me. But, don't worry, I'll do my best. So, bookmark this page to see who she is. Also, I've added the Tough Guy's favourite URLs. Well, I'll leave you at this point and feel free to email us at the address below. We need the feedback. Hope you'll be able to visualize his character. And with that, a word from the Tough one........."NOTHING BUT THE BEST IS GOOD ENOUGH" E-mail : [email protected] (sorry I couldn't link it up) | ||||||||||||||||||||
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